Open Workshops

You, Me & Intimacy


This is an experiential workshop, which explores intimacy, connection and communication, with both ourselves and others across the spectrum of relationships. In this workshop we will be working with finding ways to tolerate feeling, to understand and communicate our needs, to relate to each other and be well.

We will provide a safe environment to explore your story, both past and present including the impact of behavior patterns and belief systems that support or hinder a connection with your own wisdom and life force and how that translates into your intimate relationships i.e. with partners, family, friends and work colleagues.

We combine a mix of bodywork techniques, group activities, creative activities, movement, and meditation to support expression and body-mind awareness in order to gain insight into defences or blocks which may prevent you from leading a satisfying life or having satisfying relationships.

The work is supported by a humanistic and integrative theoretical frame work which will focus on the body and its expressions to explore self-connection and relating with another. Skills and techniques will include:

• Personal Development i.e. integration methods, one to one work, pair work and group process.

• Movement, Expression and Meditation.

• A range of creative activities to access the emotional bodymind.

Other skills and techniques will include methods of recognising, tolerating and expressing feelings safely, letting go of past hurts and understanding your emotional bodymind.

The workshop is open to individuals, couples and groups.

CPD certificate 12 hrs provided.


The workshop is co-facilitated by Anne McCormack & Terezinha Sell:

Anne McCormack, MIAHIP, IACP.:

Anne is a qualified Biodynamic & Integrative Psychotherapist & Trainer. She is from Athlone Co. Roscommon and has fifteen years’ experience working with group dynamics and training students of psychotherapy in the Tracht Psychotherapy Foundation. She also works in one to one private practice in both Athlone and Galway.

Terezinha Sell, MA Hum. Psych., CRP (BR), LSBP, UKCP.:

Terezinha is a registered clinical and educational psychologist from Brazil now working as a Humanistic and Bodywork psychotherapist and trainer. Her main training in psychotherapy was at the Antioch University in London, and at the Boyesen Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy. She has worked as a psychotherapist and trainer in Britain, Ireland and Brazil.

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